Volunteer Profile: Elizabeth Hong
Elizabeth was one of our volunteers this past summer, and we loved working with her. We asked her for her thoughts about art and young people.

Letter from the Director: Fall 2016
A look at the state of Urban Artworks from our director, Kathleen Warren.
Summer 16 Partners
This year, three organizations have been incredibly helpful in supporting us in our goal of creating public art that empowers young people and transforms communities, and we wanted to highlight them here to say thanks: King County Superior Court SYEP: Summer Youth Employment Program Provided by the City of Seattle, the SYEP supports participants with comprehensive […]

ArtWorks on K5 News
Urban ArtWorks was featured on K5 News this week for a mural project we facilitated with the Healthy Youth Central Area Network for Powell Barnett Park and the surrounding community. Check out the story here.