
Something powerful happens when you give young people a chance to create public artwork: they find a positive way to express themselves, they feel more connected to their communities and their peers, and they gain real-world skills that prepare them for the future.

Mural Apprentice Program

Since 1995, we have provided this arts-based employment training program for teens who face barriers to the arts, education, and employment. Over each eight-week session, apprentices work alongside professional teaching artists to learn basic art skills, research, design, and install public art throughout King County, WA. In addition to honing their painting skills, teens develop the interpersonal and professional skills needed to thrive in a workplace. Though many participants are referred to us from our community partners, we reserve some spaces each session for young people who come to us independently. We prioritize youth who are BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and those who qualify for free and reduced lunch. All youth apprentices receive a stipend. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact us today.

Base Crew

The Base Crew provides paid year-round mentorship and training for teens who have completed the Mural Apprentice Program who wish to deepen their arts and design experience. This program is a pathway for youth to become future muralists, teaching artists, and arts leaders.

Through this program, Base Crew youth will be supported to accomplish their goals as young artists while also giving back to the community. Ultimately, we envision the program will open pathways for personal and professional growth and provide a scaffold for future leadership opportunities at Urban ArtWorks and beyond.

The Base Crew Program Includes:

• Group sessions guided by experienced Teaching Artists
• Collaborative mural projects for local nonprofits which give youth the opportunity to work alongside a variety of nonprofit staff and clients to research, design, and install impactful public art
• Conversations with other invited guest artists who will share their own artistic journeys
• Regular meetings for the youth with individual artist mentors to develop personal portfolios, draft artist statements and apply to show their work in gallery spaces
• Opportunities to take on individual commissioned mural projects
• The Base Crew participants will also serve as a youth advisory council to inform the broader program planning at Urban ArtWorks

Learn More About The Base Crew

School-Based Programs

Our School-Based Programs provide opportunities for students in grades kindergarten through twelve to work alongside teaching artists to install murals at their schools. They explore themes and issues that are important to their community, create a design, and bring that design to life. Each project is tailored to fit the needs of the individual school or classroom and can be integrated within the standard grade-level curricula. Urban ArtWorks is on the Seattle Public Schools Creative Advantage Community Arts Partner Roster. If you’re curious about how we can work with your students during or after school, contact us today!

Community Group Workshops

Do you have a community group or some young people you would like us to work with to create a collaborative mural? We often partner with other non-profit organizations or specific communities to design and install murals through short-term workshops or longer-term customized programs. Contact us today and let’s brainstorm the possibilities!

Youth Murals for Nonprofits

Attention nonprofits: Urban ArtWorks is currently searching for nonprofit, social service, and community organizations with space available for murals designed and painted by youth participants in our programs. Murals will be developed and installed at no cost to these organizations and can be painted directly on a wall or on portable wood panels. If your organization is interested in a free mural for your space, submit your project today!

Program Funders and Community Partners

Program Funders

The Claire and Theodore Morse Foundation

The Fay Slover Fund at The Boston Foundation

Aven Foundation
Welfund, Inc
Flanery-Rye Family
Anonymous Partners
Horizons Foundation of Washington

Community Partners

Center for Education & Career Opportunity (CECO)

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