Hi, my name is Eboni Wyatt, best known as ebb. I’m a film photographer, zine creator and sometimes I write. As a kid I was interested in art, but did not know there were people that looked like me whose art was in museums.
My first museum experience in 3rd grade was viewing artist Kara Walker’s, ‘Gone: An Historical Romance of a Civil War.’
I was in awe at the scale of her work, and fascinated by how she told a piece of American history, my history, through silhouettes. I felt as if her art was screaming, “LOOK!” to my white classmates. A feeling I couldn’t put into words.
A quote I carry with me as an artist and educator is from James Baldwin, “The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.”
Working at Urban ArtWorks, I’ve witnessed time and time again in our youth programs the importance of representation and inspiring the next generation of Black artists to continue helping the world ‘see.’
Support Black Artists not only during Black History Month but all year!
Valencia Carroll – @valenciafinearts
Charles Conner – @theoriginalspur
Perry Porter – @Perrypaints
Nahom Ghirmay – @nahom_artsy
AshaAung Helmstetter – @artsyasha
Jessie Lipscomb – @mommalipsdraws
Moses Sun – @moses_sun
Stat (Teddy Phillips) – @stattheartist
Brandon Thomas – @artbreakerbt
Myron Curry – @m.currydesigns
Cory Bennett – @artbycbennett