
It’s my first official 2015 day at ArtWorks and I’ve declared Monday mornings a day of writing. A resolution, a routine, whatever you’d like to call it, but so far I’m 1 for 1 and feeling great about it. It’s the time after my first coffee, but before the emails, before the voicemails, before our neighbor’s studio dog runs in and barks at me like an intruder in my own office- a time to reflect and rev up (and release) my excitement for the week. But mostly before the emails – which I write not completely unlike The Tasmanian Devil.

When I email, usually I’m well caffeinated and deeply excited about an idea that needs to be heard by someone on the other end of my finger tips… lest it escape me forever. One of my peers once called this type of Seattle-art-scene-personality an “unbridled enthusiasm, seldom justified” – I didn’t love it. But I tweaked it to fit how I see myself, and use it as my tagline on various social media platforms. Changing “seldom” to “mostly”, made it just right. If you are always seldom justified, you need a new line of enthusiasm. And if you are always justified, you need to buy a lottery ticket (and me one too please). I prefer to hover on the spectrum of risk and reward. And to never bridel my enthusiasm, ever.

Like most of us these days, I type fast and furious. I’ve taken inboxes from the thousands to net zero in a day, without ignoring a single request, misspelling a single word or diluting my truly enthusiastic responses. But the problem is that I, like most, don’t like to deal with emails – and like a pesky chin hair, you get rid of one and 3 more come back in its place. Or so I hear.

So at the suggestion of one of my amazing board members, 2015 will be the year of putting thoughts and updates into newsletters and blog posts. Maybe I will switch to tea (every once in a while) and compose myself with unbridled enthusiasm that has aerated through some deep breathing exercises.

Please do sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already, as my next few posts and emails will be about some awesome calls to artists!

Happy New Year to you all!

Kathleen Warren

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